Advent of Cyber 2024 - Final Satements and feedback.
Advent of Cyber 2024 (⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐) 5/5 Stars.
From the first day I loved the event and now I am pretty sad (in a way) to have finished the event.
Every day was a new unique adventure letting you learn new stuff while at the same time making you use previously taught subjects. Ex. the burpsuit and the wireshark tasks.
Now that it has finished i have sat and watched the walkthroughs and EVERY SINGLE ONE OF THEM were amazing and were able to make the people watching understand the sunject that they would be learning that day.
Although, I would want to have tinkered with some databases, it would have been pretty cool.
Also, I got my certificate and it can be found in the about page!!
Now its time to wait for the prices! (Im joking of course! I Would have done this without the prices.)
Update: Didn't win anything and it is perfectly fine!
Thanks a lot for reading!