
Version 1.0.0

[1.0.0] - 2024-07-19


  • Menu lists ‘header.yml’, ‘footer.yml’, ‘social.yml’; in the _data folder that builds the navigation menus.

  • Added layout ‘filter.html’ that shows all the posts with the tag provided in the page that “requires” it. (Further info about its workings will be in the template documentation).

  • Added layout ‘archives.html’ that shows all the posts of all the categories at one page.

  • Added the ability to view the last 7 most recent posts (without counting which tag they have).

  • Added ‘style.css’, ‘custom_styling.scss’ and ‘main.js’ in the assets directory in their respective subdirectories.

  • Added a .gitignore.

  • Added a 404 page (and did not set it a permalink as it would break the 404 abilities).

  • Added an about page and set its permalink to ‘/about/’.

  • Added an archive page and set its permalink to ‘/archives/’.

  • Added a changelogs page and set its permalink to ‘/changelogs/’.

  • Added a feed.xml page and set its permalink to ‘/feed.xml’.

  • Added an MIT License file.

  • Added an index file and set its permalink to ‘/’.


  • The base front matter that every post has to use to include the category tag for the filter layout to work.

