Version 2.0.2
Written by: on 12/4/2024. Read time: ~1 min
[2.0.2] - 2024-12-04
This site is now open source
- Two new eleventy configs for production and dev enviroment.
- The dev output now is in the .gitignore file.
- All versions will now be shown in the projects's post.
- Ability to run this site as a subpage in GitHub pages too.
- Pagination has been set up to work on almost all of the site.
- New RSS feed.
- New funxtion that updates the copyright date automatically.
- New layout for posts.
- New filter for times in the post layout.
- Added post reading time to the posts.
- Added a back button on the post layout.
- Added shortcode.js, Plugins.js and Filters.js module.
- In the backend the scripts have been updated.
- Liinks now are processed correctly and split in url and baseurl.
- CSS is now again back to SCSS and needs to be compiled before launch dev or prod env.
- Renamed all the config files with more appropriate names.
- Renamed all the modules with more appropriate names.
- Merged addWatchTarger and passthroughTarget modules.
- Moved the collections.js file to modules.
- Renamed the collections.js file to PostProcessing.js.
- SCSS has been split into sub-files covering the diffrent components of the site.
- The urls are now correctly set up.
- All navigation items are centered vertically in the header.
- The dotenv package from the ackend sine there is no use for it.
- Removed the Versions page from the header navigation.
- The layout of thm.liquid for better pagination backend experience.
- The unused module dotenv from configuration files.